
I've somewhat neglected my blog as of late, this is due to unforeseen circumstances out of my control. However, after a little time to find my feet I seem to be back on track!
Today I had some time booked in the studio to work on my still life. I've been toying around with a French theme for a while but not wanting to go along with the obvious. While we were in Paris, I bought an Eiffel Tower near the Louvre which I wanted to use in the shots. The one I've posted here was one of the few I took that I was happy with, but I imagine I will go on to tweek a few things before being happy with the final shots. The photography
projects are now finished except for the joiner, and the printing. I'm happy to say they've been quite fun, and interesting to do. Not so much the street photography, that was a little unnerving as I don't think people were too happy with me pointing my camera at them. Then there was that incident with the guy in Manchester who punched my camera...
After playing around with ideas for the still life part of our project I had some free time left on my studio spot and Lewis (a friend who is doing art) had asked me to photograph him wearing the masks he had been making. It was a lot of fun, as the masks were exact copies of his face, and some a little freaky. My favourite was the one made out of glass (clear with purple bits) which looked a little like his face was melting! It was nice to collaborate with someone from a different department.
Due to the aforementioned unforeseen circumstances, I've been away from the editing side of the short film. But luckily, Sue has done an amazing job, and the bulk of the editing. It is coming along nicely and we're into the final stages of editing now, including opening sequence and credits and the music. I'm feeling very confident about this one, keep your eyes peeled for a link to
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