I was inspired following Creative Futures week, to join a few websites like fotoblur, Arthouse Co-Op and The Skull Illusion. Another piece of advice I took on board was that of Alan Whitfield from Minimal Media, and that was to contact the careers office about getting some work experience.
We've been told from day one that getting industry experience will make us more employable. So far, it has been almost impossible to find experience on our own, and despite emailing several companies I've got nowhere. I contacted Lucy at the careers office, and after a meeting I'm happy to report I have two work tasters which I obtained through Lucy and the Go Wales website.
The first was for a company called Gelicity, which is a company who deals with skincare products and is responsible for Gelli Baff, a product that turns bath water to jelly and back again. I was asked to photograph some packaging for a range of products including special Moshi Monsters (collectable little toys) and Gelli Baff sets, Gelicity Spa products and Gunki products.

I enjoyed being able to photograph products knowing they are going into a catalogue, Gavin Jones (owner of Gelicity) also told me that I'll get a copy of the catalogue after it's all put together which is exciting.

Even though I've done product photography before it can be hard to light a white background well, and even though it can look perfect on the back of the camera, it is often the opposite when you get the images onto a computer. With a little editing the pictures looked good, and I was happy with them when I dropped them off the next day.

I'm due to start my next work taster on Monday with a company called Call Miss Jones in Wrexham. I'm looking forward to working with the people there, on a short film and some portraits for the website. It's great knowing that I can put these work tasters on my CV.

If you're looking for work experience I can't recommend the careers centre enough. It's located on the second floor of the library.
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