Wednesday, 8 May 2013

It has been a while!

Hello blog!

It has been a while since I've written anything here, but as those who know me understand, things haven't exactly been easy these last few months.

So here I am, drawing closer to the end of my time at university. It has been a massive learning curve, at times very difficult and frustrating but also quite rewarding in various ways. 

My experiences have taught me much about myself that I didn't know. I will leave a more confident person with many happy memories. 

For a while now I've been thinking about what's next for me. I've tried to cover all bases for myself, I run a successful business selling on eBay, and have interviews lined up for jobs and for the PGCE course at Glyndwr so it is an exciting time for me. 

Despite losing someone very close to me recently, I feel positive about the future, and although I will miss seeing my friends at university I am ready to leave and once again enter the big wide world.

Recently I received a package in the post, this was inside it. 

Sketchbook Project has been running since 2006, they create art exhibitions using submissions from people all over the world. I have participated in a couple so far, sometimes they are free, and sometimes you have to pay. A Million Little Pictures is a project where you are sent a disposable camera with only 8 photos, to take a snapshot (or 8) of you and your life, or anything you want to photograph. 

After printing off the photos, you send them back to Sketchbook Project who select 2 images that will appear in an exhibition in New York and Los Angeles. I haven't taken all my photos yet, being a bit of a perfectionist I imagine it will take me some time! 

Recently I have also taken to baking again, something I've always loved to do. At last I have a lovely kitchen all to myself that's filled with ingredients and decorations and almost everyday there are yummy smells emanating from the oven. Recently it was my great-neice Olivia's 4th birthday and I made some cupcakes for her.

I got the gorgeous butterflies from the internet, they were edible. None of the cakes were left after the party. I was asked by my sister to make some for my mum's birthday party last Monday (6th May) which I did using wafer flowers and piped icing. They went down a treat. There's something very satisfying about making something from scratch and I like seeing people's reaction when they eat something I made and enjoy it.

So between baking, moving in and decorating our new house, dealing with family stuff and my final weeks at university it has been a very busy and somewhat stressful time. Not to mention our film (which will soon have it's own blog).

I remember during our very first week at university that someone said it would go by so quickly you wouldn't believe it. That person was telling the truth, here I am on the verge of completing my course and I'm shocked at how quickly that time has sped by. The second year seemed to fly by, and this year has gone even quicker. Still I do feel I've made the most of my time here, and I also feel that I've tried my hardest. I only hope that my final mark will take into consideration the effort and hard work I've put in during my time here.

I have met some wonderful people while here, some that I will not soon forget. I'm very glad I chose to apply to go to university and I very much look forward to graduation day where I can celebrate with my friends. 

I'd just like to say a big thank you to those of you who've helped me immensely this year (you know who you are) and especially Dave for putting up with me during our final project, I can't wait to show Acceptance to the world!

Bye for now!
Gemma x

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